Assembly — Activity Stream

Over the past few days I've been taking a first pass at an activity stream for Assembly products. This allows you to keep a finger on a product’s pulse and take action on events without needing to dig around for them.

I aimed to keep things clean, pruning our data down to its meaningful roots. Grouping similar event types also helps reduce the noise:signal ratio.

We've given slight visual prominence to events that the community can vote on, and further accented product milestones.

This is the first stake in the ground toward building what we think will be a powerful tool for our community.

Internally, we'll dogfood a global activity stream that encompasses all products. It'll be interesting to see how much meaningful data we can extract and serve up to our community. I'm looking forward to the challenge.

Last week, we also pushed out a new super simple homepage focused on user acquisition. I can't wait to have enough data to show—instead of tell—Assembly’s story. As humans, our connections with others are powerful, and we can't wait to showcase the stories of those we've helped.

If you haven't already, check out and help out if you can :)

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