Random Act of Type * Issue: No.1 cover preview

Today I received the first two test prints for my self-published debut issue of Random Act of Type → A Contemporary Journal Surveying Randomness Through The Documented Letter: Written, Illustrated, or Otherwise.

As designers, I think it's safe to say we all want admiration and respect from fellow designers and the public-at-large for what it is we do best: communicating design, in whatever medium that may be. For many, gaining respect or landing paid client work can be extremely difficult, regardless of your proven skill & talent. I'm not going to be one of those individuals who preaches to the masses and tells you that your hard work will pay off or that you can be anything you want to be. It's just doesn't work like that and it's certainly not that simple.

So, why does the preceding context matter? One of the biggest reasons this shot exists is that I'm a firm believer in self-initiated work. My initial concept for this publication formed back in 2010 as a means "to share the beautiful I see as beauty in the world so that others may go forth and do the same." Amidst a myriad of other design projects I've completed under my SHOCKJOY™ moniker and A X(10) Is Always Limiting line of apparel, Random Act of Type has finally come to fruition in 48 pages of eye candy. It's been a fun exploration into the big ole world of literature. The production run is currently under way and should be available for purchase late April 2013 from my online shop.

All you can do is try your best and hope that someday a right somebody will take notice and give you the chance you've worked so hard for.

Back to the drawing board.


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